Theater Open Today: 10:15 AM - 4:15 PM

Build. Fiddle. Create.

Do you like working with your hands and finding out how things work?  Imagination Station has the program for you. Join us in the IDEA Lab at the science center and embrace your creativity and make something that is uniquely yours. Celebrate innovation and ingenuity and tap into the scientist, engineer and artist within. We can't wait to create with you!

Tinkering workshops are available every day* and are included in the price of admission.

*Imagination Station is closed on Mondays.

May - Circuit Blocks

Experiment with electrical components like batteries, bulbs, buzzers, and switches as you start learning about circuits. As you create connections, you’ll see the endless possibilities there are.

Plan your visit

Upcoming Workshops

June - Fashion Show

Become a fashion designer in the Tinkering Space! Sketch a design before making it come to life in 3D. Place it on a mannequin and put on your own star-studded fashion show.

July - Cardboard Automata

Put your creativity to the test and turn cardboard into something extraordinary! Explore levers, cams and linkages as you make a simple moving creation.