Due to a water main break, Imagination Station is
CLOSED on Friday, January 24. 
Thanks for your understanding and we'll see you soon for more science.

Theater Open Today: 10:15 AM - 4:15 PM

Spectacular science in a supportive, social community

Don’t miss our monthly Homeschool Workshops. Each month Imagination Station has two workshops: one for students in kindergarten through grade three and another for students in grades four through eight. 

Both workshops feature a series of nine 90-minute hands-on classes that are designed around three themes. This school year, examine the backstory of science fiction—in alignment with our new Unofficial Galaxies exhibit—dive into anatomy and explore the maker movement. Each of our workshops features a new topic to discover paired with an interactive, standard-based curriculum and an unforgettable Imagination Station experience. 

K-3 Workshops: Workshops run on select Tuesday afternoons or Wednesday mornings, please choose one. 

4-8 Workshops: Workshops run on select Tuesday mornings.

Workshop Pricing

Members: $17 per session 

Non-Members: $19 per session + Admission

Become a Member and save on Homeschool Workshops. Plus receive all of our other Membership benefits. Learn more about our Memberships here. 

Non-Members:  Imagination Station admission is not included with Homeschool Workshops.


Amazing Anatomy 


Grades K-3: Our Bodies: Thinking and Sensing 
February 11 - 1:30-3pm
February 12 - 10:30-noon
The brain is involved in everything you do. Learn about the basic parts and functions of the nervous system. Whether you are discerning the flavor of a jelly bean, remembering a joke, or riding a bike….information is relayed through this system. See how it all works and how you think!

Grades 4-8: Underwater Animals: Amphibians 
February 11 - 10:30-noon
Hop your way into this workshop to meet some amphibious friends! Dissect a frog to investigate the many adaptations that make them so unique. Discover what a healthy ecosystem looks like for our little slippery, slimy friends. Learn about the life that shares our ecosystem and the ways in which we can all help to protect our amphibians.

Makers on the Maumee


Grades K-3: Woodworking
March 11 - 1:30-3pm
March 12 - 10:30-noon
Become a maker and build a small wood craft project. Learn safety rules and woodworking skills while fostering creative problem-solving. Let’s spark scientific inquiry from a simple piece of wood.

Grades 4-8: 3D Printing
March 11 - 10:30-noon
Whether you’re an artist, inventor, or simply just curious and creative, this hands-on class is designed to teach you all about 3D design! Students will learn how to digitally create their own ideas by using easy-to-operate 3D software and design their very own 3D object.


Grades K-3: Cool Crafts and Cuts
April 8 - 1:30-3pm
April 9 - 10:30-noon
Sticker-making and paper crafts aren’t just for professional artists. Experiment with electronic cutting machines to see how versatile this technology can be. Master this maker-minded activity when you design, print and cut. 

Grades 4-8: Ultimate Creating and Cutting
April 8 - 10:30-noon
Explore STEAM concepts through popular precision cutting machines. Be equipped with the tools and knowledge to think strategically and innovatively while taking ideas through the design thinking process. See firsthand how easy and fun it is to make with cutting technology.


Grades K-3: If You Build It...
May 6 - 1:30-3pm
May 7 - 10:30-noon
Maker kids love Rigamajig! This large-scale building kit enables experimentation and creation through hands-on play. Use your imagination and engineering skills in a collaborative, open-ended creation process. Unexpected outcomes are expected…just build it!

Grades 4-8: Soldering: From Circuits to Sculptures
May 6 - 10:30-noon
Makers are empowered to invent. Learning the basics of soldering gives you the tools to create within the areas of electronics, metalwork, aerospace and stained glass. With just a few parts and a soldering iron, you will be designing and building in no time.

Have questions or need more information? 
Call 419.244.2674 ext. 150

Cancellation Policy

Workshop cancellations are non-refundable; however, registrations are transferable. We reserve the right to cancel workshops if minimum registration numbers are not met. In this case, your registration will be applied to another workshop or admission passes will be issued.