Due to a water main break, Imagination Station is
CLOSED on Friday, January 24. 
Thanks for your understanding and we'll see you soon for more science.

Theater Open Today: 10:15 AM - 4:15 PM

Welcome to Energy Factory!

Energy Factory is all about the science of energy and different ways we can improve energy usage to keep our planet clean and healthy. Explore energy transfer, invisible and visible light and solar energy. Learn how energy from the sun can be used in many different ways, the different forms energy takes and how magnetic energy is used. 

Ball Refinery

Explore a refinery and learn how crude oil is separated into useful distillates. Begin with a mixture of different size particles (crude oil), and using our colorful refinery, separate the crude oil into heavy (asphalt), medium (gasoline) and light (kerosene) distillates. See how quickly you can turn crude oil into products that we use everyday.

Energy Transfer

Energy is transferred between sources every day. Some of these exchanges happen right in front of us, but we often can’t see them. Learn about common, but often overlooked, energy transfers and some ways you can try them at home. Using the turntable, try to get one of the discs to stay upright for the longest. Or, see who can keep the lights on the longest.


Magnets have a wide variety of uses - from radar equipment to roller coasters. Explore these different uses with something as simple as iron filings to Eddy currents. Use the unique properties of magnetic fields to build a bridge. For something more dynamic, try the Ring Launcher: using a few simple concepts, instantaneously launch a ring up a pole with one push of a button.

Solar Energy

The Sun is the brightest object in our sky, but have you ever considered just how important it is? This area will show you we rely on the Sun for energy and light. Explore the sun's impact as you interact with the Solar Wall and observe how some different types of glass are used in various climates to maximize Solar Energy. Challenge your friends in the Solar Shoot-Out: see who can score the most points in the time limit, and remember to block that triple point square.